
Banneker High School

Social Studies Department                                         Economics-Fall Term 2013

Mr. L. E. Axtell, Room 2667                                           


Course Syllabus





Remind101: Text: @mrax to 404-941-8360



Tutorial and make-up hours are Tuesdays from 4:00 to 5:00, or by appointment.




In this course you will be enabled to gain an understanding of economic concepts and their impact on your personal life, as well as our local, state, federal, and global economy.

Successfully passing Economics is a graduation requirement for Fulton County and the State of Georgia.

You will be expected to demonstrate mastery of the Georgia Performance Standards [GPS] in class, on course assessments, and on the EOCT [End of Course Test], administered by the state of Georgia. Mastery of this course with a passing grade of 70%, of which 15% is determined by your score on the state administered EOCT.




Please Pay Close Attention to the Make-Up and Recovery Guidelines listed on pages 4 and 5.










The primary text for this class is: Economics: Principles and Practices 2008, Glencoe

It can be accessed online at:

The replacement cost of the textbook $63.48.




  • This Syllabus, as well as the online links below can all be accessed at Mr. Axtell’s webpage at:
  • EconEdLink: This website will give you access to all homework assignments.
  • Study Island:

Your username is the first letter [capitalized] of your first name, and your last name [first letter capitalized]@banneker. For example: JSmith@banneker

Your password is: trojan

If you cannot log-in, please see Mr. Axtell

  • The Georgia Council on Economics Education:
  • Practical Money Skills for Life:
  • The Council for Economic Education:
  • USA Test Prep:



You may access the Georgia Performance Standards online at:




  • You will be required to take an on-line Pretest by August 24, 2012 on Study Island.
  • You will be given weekly quizzes in Virtual Economics at EconEdLink, the results of which will be emailed to me. These quizzes will be considered Homework and Formative Assessments.
  • You will have a minimum of three notebook checks over the course of the class. These notebook checks will account for 30% of your grade
  • You will be administered a minimum of 7 Summative Assessments. These account for 50% of your grade.
  • You will be administered the State created EOCT in December, which accounts for 15% of your grade.




You will be required to purchase and maintain a 1” three-ring binder. Place your class notes, hand-outs, additional readings, etc. in chronological order. Remember that the content of your notebook is your best study guide for quizzes and tests as well as your proof of completed assignments.



Course Schedule:






1 Week

Unit 1: Basic Concepts

Fundamental Economic Concepts, Decision Making, Division of Labor, Trade, Exchange and Interdependence.

1 Week

Unit 2: Economic Systems

Economic Systems, Role of Government, Productivity, Economic Growth, Productive  Resources.

4 Weeks

Unit 3: Microeconomics

 Consumption, Production, Principles of demand and supply, Types of  Markets, Role of government,  Determining Prices, Elasticity, and Entrepreneurship 

1 Week 

Unit 4: Macroeconomics: Economic Measurement

Aggregate Demand and Supply, Debts and Deficits, GDP, Inflation, Unemployment, Business Cycles

2 Weeks

Unit 5: Macroeconomics: Monetary Policy

Monetary Policy and The Federal Reserve System.

2 Weeks

Unit 6: Macroeconomics: Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy, Economic Growth.

2 Weeks


Unit 7: International and Global Economics

Absolute and Comparative Advantage, Benefits of Trade, Barriers to Trade, Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments,  Foreign Exchange Rates.

2 Weeks

Unit 8: Personal Finance: Decision Making, Money Management, Saving and Investing, Risk and Return, Insurance.

2 Weeks

EOCT Review


Course Assignments and Assessments:


1. Summative Assessments: (50%)

There will be a minimum of seven [7] major tests given during the course. You will have the opportunity to show that you mastered the material from a unit.


2. Classwork/Homework: (15/5%: 20% Total)

The majority of classwork will be hand-out material and worksheets through Virtual Economics. These materials will be kept in order in your notebook with your Interactive Notes.

3. Interactive Student Notebook: (15%)

You will be required to take your own notes during class lectures, while viewing videos, and comprehending/interpreting written materials (text book and additional readings). These notes include Activating Strategies and Formative Assessments.


4. EOCT (15%)













You are expected to be in your assigned seat, with your notebook [including paper and assigned homework completed], and a writing utensil on your desk when the bell rings.  You will be considered “prepared” if:

  • You are seated when the bell rings.
  • You are prepared to discuss the past lesson and ready to discuss today's assignment.
  • You have the materials needed for this class.




Your primary goal should be to be in class daily and on-time. Making smart choices is not just important for a healthy economy but also for your academic success. Good grades are the best profit you can make during your last year in high school. However, should you have to miss class for a valid reason keep in mind that it is your responsibility to see me immediately upon your return to school at the end of class or at the end of the school day.  Do not request missing assignments during instruction. Students who miss class must attend the next Tuesday tutorial or two morning tutorials in order to make up work and receive credit. Documentation must be presented in the case of missed unit tests. Students who fail to meet standard on assessments must attend the next scheduled tutorial.



MAKE UP                               


The purpose of the make up policy is to give a student the opportunity to receive specific tutoring of instruction missed and/or to complete assignments missed due to an excused absence.  This policy is specially designed so that students with legitimate absences have an equal opportunity to master the coursework.  Each teacher offers at least 60 minutes per week of tutorial/make up either before or after school.  The exact dates and times may be found on the individual teacher’s course syllabus.  Within five school days of the student’s return from an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher for make up instruction and assignment(s), unless an alternative arrangement has been made before the 5 day deadline.


Departmental Policy for late and make up work


The Social Studies department will accept late work up until five days after the missed due date. Ten percentage points will be lost for each day the assignment is late. NO late work will be accepted after the fifth day.


Make-up work needs to be retrieved from the teacher before or after school. The work must be completed within five school days after the student’s return to school. NO make up work will be accepted after the fifth school day.






            You will have 3 Notebook Checks per semester. You will be given at least 1 weeks’ notice as to the Notebook due date. Late policies still apply.

            This means if your Notebook is due on Friday, September 13, 2013 and there are 15 assignments due in that check, you will receive 15 grades.
            If you turn your notebook in on Monday, September 16, 2013…you will receive 10 points less on every assignment, on Tuesday, you will receive 20 points less, and so on.















Recovery Policy:



The purpose of the recovery procedure is to give a student an opportunity to continue to work on objectives not yet mastered and to be reassessed when the teacher and student determine that the student has mastered the material.  As part of the recovery opportunity, the student may need to attend help sessions, work with a peer or volunteer tutor, or engage in additional assigned learning activities. RECOVERY IS NOT THE SAME AS MAKE-UP. RECOVERY IS IN ADDITION TO ALL REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS.



  1. Every 6 weeks, a student progress report is sent home.  If a student’s performance shows an appreciable decline between these reports, the instructor will make reasonable effort to notify the student and parent (It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure accurate contact information is on file with the schools data clerk).
  2. After notification, it is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher for a recovery assignment.  Teachers will document by date when a student requests and/or receives recovery assignments.
  3. The students must have completed all work required to date and put forth effort to meet all course requirements including attendance (no more than three unexcused absences per grading period, two for block schedule).
  4. Students should complete recovery work within the grading period in which the student is failing and/or exhibiting significant decline in the cumulative average.
  5. Students must complete all recovery assignments before the last ten (10) days of the semester.
  6. Recovery opportunities must be directly related to the objectives that have not been mastered.
  7. The grade on the recovery assignment will replace the failing or low grade for which the recovery is sought. 






Classroom Management Plan: Social Studies Department

Ultimate Goals      Teacher will…       Students will…                     Reward(s)              Consequence(s)


Be respectful

Model the behaviors that we expect from our students.

a. use appropriate language (not make gang references, use profanity, insult others (including use of N-word), or

make sexually explicit comments

1. Home Work Pass

2. Other (to be determined by teacher and/or student)

1.Verbal reprimand

2. Parent Contact: A phone call home (if behavior continues), an e-mail, or a letter to parents (inform parents of behavior)

3. A conference with parents through the counselor’s office (discuss behavior and create a behavior improvement plan)

4. Contact grade level administrator

Be Responsible

Come prepared to teach from bell to bell every day

Come to class prepared (have all required materials, have assignments ready, be in class every day (be on time), pay attention, follow all school and county rules, use restrooms at appropriate times

(during passing period or lunch, not during the first and last 15 minutes of class)

Same as above

Same as above

Be Reasonable

Be firm, fair and consistent

Demonstrate integrity (if you know better…do better), leave electronics at home, not engage in horseplay, fighting or yelling

Same as above

Same as above, except for fighting which is an automatic referral to administrator

*Please note that horseplay may worsen and become a fight

Be Responsive

Listen to the concerns of students

Remain seated until dismissed by the teacher, participate (ask questions, answer when spoken to, follow teacher’s instructions)

Same as above

Same as above




Progress Reports:


Progress Reports will be provided to students and parents after the completion of 6 , 12, and 18 weeks of the term.




Academic Integrity Statement:


The Banneker Social Studies Mission Statement provides that teachers develop the whole person by nurturing in students a sense of responsibility. Students need to be cognizant of what is right and what is wrong. Honesty is one of our highest values. If we are to develop students as contributing citizens of society, we as teachers need to ensure the moral honesty of our students and instill academic integrity. We define a lack of academic integrity to be dishonest or deceitful behavior shown by students who gain an unfair academic advantage through, but not limited to, some of the following methods; plagiarism; copying another's work when it is not explicitly encouraged by the teacher; providing details of a specific test or quiz before, during, or after the event; the use of unauthorized aids on tests, such as cheat sheets or programmed calculators; or recycling/reusing a previous paper or project of one's own or another's without the explicit consent of the teacher.